Monster Hunter World - 10 Hours In Impressions
Holy Jesus Butt Baby Batman! I love me a good grind every once in a while, and between grinding out all the achievements for Fallout 4 (LATE TO THE PARTY BUT STILL ROCKING IT!) and getting all of the stuff done for Final Fantasy 15 (No DLC stuff at the moment, or the Royal Edition stuff either) I felt I needed something else to add to my already full plate. And until I can get my grubby mitts on the new Sword Art Online game (Which I hear is kinda crap, but I wanna play and see the waifus) I decided to lean towards Monster Hunter World. I am roughly ten hours into the game, and the grind bug bit me hard. I find games either fun in the first few minutes, or a real drag to play. Meaning: Fallout 4 is fun, if you mod it. If you do not mod it, the intro takes ten hours and nothing fun really happens, outside of frame drops for the Xbox because god rays. Final Fantasy 15 is fun, but the world is just a little to big for me. I don't like riding a giant chicken to the middle of now...